Architecture of the Modern in South Tyrol 1935-1970
Duration: 15.10.2017 - 14.01.2018
Artists: Armando Ronca
Curators: Andreas Kofler, Schmidt Magdalene
The projects made in South Tyrol by the architect of Veronese origin, Armando Ronca, are of the highest importance when considering the second postwar period city planning. Ronca planned countless buildings in four decades of activity, the most set in South Tyrol, but also in Trentino, Milan, and in other Italian towns. He thus established himself as being at the top of the architectonic language of his own time. He literally forged the image of Bozen and Meran with over 30 buildings.
The exhibition opens with a section of photographs especially taken for this occasion by the Austrian photographer and sculptor Werner Feiersinger. The section of the plans is subdivided by decades and chronologically and it depicts – together with maps, perspectives, and pictures – Ronca’s entire work. A documentary by Giuseppe Tedeschi on the actual inhabitants of the Meran Eurotel, highlights the real use of the ex-Hotel. Memories of the architect and his work are portrayed by a series of interviews carried out by Susanne Waiz and Carolina Rigoni.
On the occasion of the show, an in-depth catalogue with the documentation will be published, made under the scientific direction of Jörg Stabenow with photographs by Werner Feiersinger, and with the contribution of Andreas Kofler, Massimo Martignoni, Giorgio Mezzalira, Magdalene Schmidt, Luigi Scolari, and Jörg Stabenow, edited by Park Books (ISBN: ISBN 978-3-03860-061-9).
Kunst Meran
Lauben 163, 39012, MERAN (BZ)
+39 0473 212643
Admission fees:
Adults € 6; Reduced fee € 5; Students up to age 26 Jahre € 2; Children up to age 14 free admission
Catalogue: Park Books 2017. € 49.
Foto Opening