Alps Architecture Tourism
Duration: 30.05 - 07.09.2014
Curator: Susanne Waiz
Alpine Architecture, Architecture for Tourism, or Architectural Tourism in the Alps: a multi-faceted title.
At any rate, it is about architecture.
The exhibition presents architecture for tourism - from a simple boarding house to an elegant hotel, from a cable railway station to the architectural sculptures on the Timmelsjoch. The projects were selected from the viewpoint of an architect. The focus is on the design quality of the buildings and their reference to the landscape and the surrounding architecture, whereas the common quality standards of the tourism industry are left without a commentary.
New tourism businesses were chosen alongside ones located in historical buildings. With regard to the latter, it was important to see how they have been adapted to the requirements of modern tourism, even if that meant only minimal interventions. Ruins of hotel architecture, such as Gio Ponti's Hotel Paradiso, were deliberately left out.
High-quality architecture can only last if it is supported by the builder-owners. Their ideas and visions were fathomed through numerous interviews. With this in mind, the exhibition is not primarily aimed at designers and architects; rather, it is meant to inspire proprietors and other actors in the tourism industry. The tourists themselves are also welcome: after all, it is their expectations that are reflected by architecture for tourism.
Architecture-Tourism Dialog
Innkeepers meet Architects
In the context of the exhibition Alps, Architecture, Tourism, demonstrated by the example of South Tyrol, we invite hoteliers, innkeepers, and tourism experts to talk to architects from South Tyrol. 36 successful architects from South Tyrol will take part in the Architecture-Tourism Dialog. Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, from June 3 to July 31 as well as from August 26 to September 4, there will be two architects for consultation (by prior arrangement).
The Architecture-Tourism Dialog is a joint campaign by HGV, SMG, MGM, and Merano arte.
Participation is free of charge – Prior booking is required ( ; phone. 0473 212643)
An exhibition in cooperation with:
HGV - Hoteliers- und Gastwirteverband Südtirol
Architekturstiftung Südtirol
Abteilung Handwerk, Industrie, Handel und Tourismus der Autonomen Provinz Bozen Südtirol
Abteilung Hochbau und technischer Dienst der Autonomen Provinz Bozen Südtirol
Europäische Akademie Bozen (EURAC research) - Institut für Regionalentwicklung und Standortmanagement
SMG - Südtirol Marketing Gesellschaft
MGM - Marketinggesellschaft Meran
Kurverwaltung Meran
Südtiroler Gärtner
Gufler- Präzision mit Holz

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