Stretch Sculpture
Duration: 30.09.2005 - 08.01.2006
Artists: Peter Senoner, Hans Kupelwieser, Masonari Sukenari, Erik Steinbrecher, Sissi
Curator: Marion Piffer Damiani
Plasticities between and revelation and invention, between patterns and re-enchantment
Pop-up books are fascinating, not only for children: you open a book, and instead of the usual flat pages, a three-dimensional world expands, thanks to a sophisticated folding technique. Contemporary sculptures also thrive on the possibility of crossing boundaries, both spatial and material ones. They are transmedial, hybrid and ambiguous; their motivation stems from the knowledge of the complexity, probability and persistent uneasiness of reality. Material illusions, irony, the interplay of media, the dialectics of presence and absence mark the procedure. The exhibition “Stretch Sculpture” turns the Gallery Merano arte into an outsized pop-up book; sculptural bodies unfold like those collapsible figures – dramatically, funnily, wittily, perfidiously and poetically.
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