HELEN MIRRA Walking, weaving
Duration: 22.07 - 24.09.2017
Artists: Helen Mirra
Curator: Christiane Rekade
Merano Arte will host two exhibitions: The American artist Helen Mirra (born 1970 in Rochester, New York, lives in northern California) and Gianni Pettena (born 1940 in Bolzano, lives in Florence).
Although they work quite differently they have one discussion in common: the landscape and our relationsship to nature. In addition both exhibitions create a relationship between the landscape in the USA and South Tyrol; places they have both personally experienced.
Helen Mirra‘s approach is usally based on long walks or excursions and the work is totally affected by this, and made simoultaneously or in parallel.
Merano Arte has invited Helen Mirra to pass a month in Merano to prepare her exhibition. She will started with a walk of several days: on 16 June she opened her exhibition in the Andriesse Eyck Gallery in Amsterdam. The day after she left for Merano partly on foot and partly by train. She decided every single day whether to go on foot or take the train by throwing a coin. With this work she is referring to the project „Variable Works (In Progress), 1970 by the American conceptual artist Douglas Huebler and Marcheur de Kassel, 1972 by the Polish artist Andre Cadere. A documentation of this excursion will be part of the exhibition in Merano.
In Merano Helen Mirra will nd produce a new woven objects which are in close relation to South Tyrol owing to the precise choice of material, forms and colours. Mirra compares the „Merano woven objects“ with a series of objects from Northern California - the region she went to live last year. The woven objects are concentrated colour and form compositions, experiences of a landscape. Material and structure underline the three-dimensionality of the woven objects.
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